Techniques and Styles from the photography directory


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Techniques and Styles - Photography Directory

Location: Main > Techniques and Styles

 3D  Alternative Processes
 Darkroom  Digital
 Documentary  FAQs Help and Tutorials
 Infrared  Lomography
 Night Photography  Panoramic and 360°
 Pinhole  Polaroid Processes
 Toy Camera  Wildlife Photography

 Art Navigator -- Photo processing chemistry, glas etching, glas malen, bleiverglasung, photo etching, fotogravure. Information in English, German or Dutch.
 Butterfly Photography -- Get the most from your butterfly hunt, by Jakub Jasinski.
 Campbell Photographic Arts -- With the ChromaZone Exposure System?, amateur and professional photographers are now offered the only comprehensive exposure method for color slide and print photography.
 Chemical process factors in a minilab -- Here we discuss several details that contribute to the photo finishing quality and the principal processing factors of the chemical processes used to produce prints from color negative films .
 Cokin Filter System -- Cokin filters are tools that can help translate to film either what you physically see or what your imagination sees.
 Evans, Christopher -- Presents samples of his lomography and toy camera and pinhole photographs. Includes a weblog and biographical data.
 Farzad's 5-stop Approach -- Spotmeter technique uses Farzad's simplified 5-stop approach that can be used with all films.
 Focus Online -- News, reviews, tips, articles, and reader's photos. Emphasis seems to be on digital photos
 High Speed and Scientific Photography -- Ballistics, high speed, peripheral, panoramic, infrared, Schlieren, Phoenix Process and related photographic techniques.
 How To Photograph Professional Wrestling -- Information on the techniques anyone can use to protograph professional wrestling.
 Luminous Landscape -- Comprehensive photographic site emphasizing landscape, nature and documentary photography using traditional as well as digital image processing techniques. Contains product reviews, tutorials, portfolios, a critique contest, and a discussion forum.
 Nature Photography -- Images and articles by Larry Sizemore. Technical and descriptive articles covering exposure, macro, light, birds, and wildflowers.
 Nikhil Khade Commerce -- Information on photography techniques, image techniques, printing, lighting and a glossary. -- Good articles on equipment and techniques. Articles useful at any skill level. Forum and user comments. A good starting point for a situation or equipment question.
 Photography - Technical Features - from -- All about photography. Techniques, processes, darkroom, and styles.
 Richard Tweney Communications -- Offers to answer photography questions through e-mail, and sells a series of photography technique booklets. Site also contains a small image gallery.
 Spot Metering -- The site is an overview of a simplified (5-stop) spot metering book, including links to cheat sheets for many of today's 35mm and digital cameras.
 The Lois C Gallery -- The results of model, Lois C.'s first photo shoot. Post your comments.
 The Panorama Express -- Free upload and viewing service for panorama photographers, upload your panorama into your own web page showcase with a few simple clicks, great fun for digital camera owners.
 The Secret Of The Medicine Pouch - Handy Tripod Replacement -- How to prepare a simple yet highly useful helper for better photographs under difficult shooting conditions. Replaces cloggy tripod equipment.(Single Page)
 Tug Valley Outdoors -- Sections on general photography, digital photography.
 Unblinking Eye -- Technical articles on mixing developers, print solarization, making pinholes, PMK pyro formula, William Mortensen.
 Weather Photography -- Photos and timelapse video clips of clouds, atmospheric optics, lightning and astronomy. Extensive how-to information on weather photography.

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