Transform your Photography - Digital Imaging Classifieds
Transform your Photography - Digital Imaging Classifieds


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Transform your Photography

Selected Ad
Category: Digital Imaging
Title: Transform your Photography
Ad Number: 444
Date Posted: 6/2/2010
Contact: Stephanie Laird
Creston, CA

Transform your Photography

Are your pictures not coming out as spectacular as you envisioned? Take ordinary pictures (like mine) and create extordinary works of art! Just released is my second tutorial on turning your photos into artwork. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements and have had some amazing results. Above please see an examples.

My images have won and placed in nearly every competition I have entered. My images are licensed as fine art to companies such as Eurographics and Leanin' Tree. I have been commissioned to make custom portraits of which I have examples on my web-site.

I have written two downloadable e-book tutorials on the different techniques that you can use in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Each tutorial sells for $10 each or buy both for $17. These tutorials cover techniques such as brining out the high-lights and facets in eyes, creating silhouettes, layering, composites, custom portraits and so much more. I am not a technical person and these tutorials are very simple.

For more details on the tutorials please see my e-book page at

Thank you for your time!


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